Optoelectronic isolated USB Siemens S7-200PLC multi-master station PPI programming cable,directly use the STEP7 MicroWIN software to communicate,no need to install driver,support PPI,multi-master station PPI and advanced PPI,support 187.5Kbps high speed communication,just the same as 6ES7 901-3DB30-0XA0,3 meters,with communication indicator.
USB / PPIM + is the PPI Multi-Master programming Cable which with USB interface, to realize the level conversion and various of PPI protocol conversion from USB to RS485.Many cheap USB / PPI cable on the market simulate USB to virtual serial (COM port) to realize the communications, it’s commonly known as "pseudo-USB interface". The cable only convert the level from USB to RS485, can only support the normal PPI Protocol. But the USB / PPIM + is the real USB interface cable, without installing drivers, directly use the USB option in STEP7 Micre / WIN software, support PPI, Advanced PPI,and Multiple Master Network Protocol. The cable support the 187.5 Kbps high-speed communications, and take charge of the Multiple Master Network.
This cable is 100% compatible with Siemens PPI Multi-Master USB Cable 6 ES7 901-3DB30-0XA0, and the only difference is that the work power supply from the computer's USB port through the DC / DC isolation, no longer powered by the PLC port. It’s easy to extend communications distance of the RS485 without considering the power supply. The two-color LED on the converter box indicates data’s transceiving status.
USB/PPIM+ is designed for industrial-type photoelectric isolation cable. USB port and RS485 ports are equipped with surge protection and anti-lightning protection circuitry, which can be Hot plug. It’s applicable to the entire Siemens S7-200 Series PLC It’s particularly suited to the industrial scene which the communications interface is more easily damaged because of the greater interference. The protection circuit ensures the safe operation of the system.
1, Enter STEP7 Micro / WIN programming software and click "Settings PG / PC interface", check the "PC / PPI cable (PPI)" and click "Properties…" button.
2, Select "USB" option in "Local Connection".
3, Set up the Station Parameters settings in "PPI" as following: Address: 0, Timeout: 1s .
Set up the Network Parameters in "PPI" in accordance with the needs of you. You can choose any of the following:
Advanced PPI: check the Advanced PPI.
Multiple Master Network: check Multiple Master Network.
General PPI: do not check any of option, which is the default option.
select a baud rate as the same with the PLC. If you do not know that the PLC baud rate can be arbitrary choice one.Click "OK" button to return to the main menu interface.
4, click on the main menu interface of "communication" button to enter the PLC interface connection, check the "search all baud rate" box, and then double-click on the "Double-click refresh”. After a while of searching ,the PLC model And address and other information will display on the software, it’s means that connect successfully with the PLC. Click the "confirmation" button to conduct upload, download, and other operating.
PPI Multi-Master Cable of USB/PPIM+ no longer support the early version of the low CPU21X series PLC.
PPI Multi-Master Cable of USB/PPIM+ do not support Freeport communication and MODEM communication.
Long-distance communications:
The largest communications range between the USB/PPIM+ and PLC are up to 2 kilometers (9.6K bps) or 1 km(187.5Kbps),when external plus terminals 120 ohm resistance is needed to connect between the pin3 and pin8 of the RS485 ports (DB9 Male) to eliminate signal reflection. And a PFB-G Bus Isolators is needed to install at the end of PLC. 0.22 mm2 or more unshielded twisted pair lines are used for Communications. When the distance is longer than the length of cable, a RS485 repeaters (model: E485GP), can be installed in the bus for extending the distance.
Because the power of USB / PPIM + all supplied from the USB ports of the computer, you do not need to consider power supply when extended the length of cable. It’s better than the similar products of Siemens.
Please Note: USB interface cable cannot be extended.
Signals definition of the RS485-Block (DB9M) of the USB/PPIM+
Data Line B (RS485 signal positive)
Data Line A (RS485 signal negative)
Megj.: Nem Siemens gyártmány.
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RS-232 - WiFi konverter, RS-485 - WiFi konverter,
ICP CON konverter USR IOT konverter
Sinus-Elektrotechnikai Bt. ICP DAS HUNGARY
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